Monday, April 19, 2010

All I Really Need to Know...

To all eight people who read my blog, this is Grover. He’s five. Likes: salsa, driving in cars, stuffed animals and Twizzler’s Pull n Peel. Dislikes: water, cats, crowds and Major League Baseball (he’s been to two games).

At the beginning of yet another season of marathon training, with a year and a half of training, illness and disappointment behind me, I came to a realization: everything I should have known about running and training, I could have learned from Grover.

  1. Run like you mean it. Run like you stole something. Run like you’re being chased. Run until your hair whips behind you and your legs are a tangle of pavement pounding fury. Why go for a run if you’re just going to put in the miles in an uninspired way and go home? If you’re going to do that, you might as well just forget it and nap in a well-lit area of your house.
  2. The whole point of running is what you see along the way. If you get to the end and haven’t stopped to look at something fun or contemplate why in God’s name the park smells the way it does, you weren’t really running.
  3. Despite the aforementioned necessary fury, if you need to stop, stop. Actually, if you need to stop, no matter where you are and at what time of day it is, do so. 5pm rush hour and you’re crossing the busiest intersection in the city? Take a breather pal. You can’t expect your body to go all out all the time.
  4. Don’t feel intimidated by any other runners you encounter. All you need to run is a passion and some legs. Who cares if the person next to you is bigger, stronger, or wearing a snazzy coat? Not your problem.
  5. Always drink water with wanton disregard for what people think. Hydration is important. If the water gets all over your face, don’t worry about it.
  6. When you’re done running, don’t forget to stretch reeeaaaallly well and take a nap. Points for napping outside.
I’m exhausted just thinking about running. Time for that nap.